2009-12-20 - International Dog Show, Vilnius
Ultra Armada - junior class - ex1, JW
Nicol Cevelob - champion class - ex1, CAC, W, CACIB, BOB
2009-12-19 - International Dog Show, Vilnius
Luizador Chikago - intermediate class - ex1, CAC, W
Armani Margenis - open class - ex1, CAC, r. CACIB = finished LITHUNIAN & BELARUSIAN CHAMPION TITLE!!!
Ultra Armada - junior class - ex2
Nicol Cevelob - champion class - ex1, CAC, W, CACIB, BOB
Chinese Crested:
Just Believe Me Epocha - open class - ex2, r.CACIB
Happy Victory Epocha - open class - ex1, CAC, r.CACIB
2009-10-25 - International Dog Show, Vilnius
Geros in Circus Epocha - intermediate class - very good
Great Dane:
Armani Margenis - open class - ex1, CAC, W, CACIB
Saint Bernard:
Omega Vilnoja - intermediate class - ex1, CAC, W, CACIB, BOB
2009-10-24 - International Dog Show, Vilnius
Geros in Circus Epocha - intermediate class - very good
Great Dane:
Armani Margenis - open class - ex1, CAC
Saint Bernard:
Omega Vilnoja - intermediate class - ex1, CAC, W, CACIB
2009-10-18 - National Dog Show, Šiauliai
This time I had Great Dane overdose :D
Puppy class female:
Ultra Armada - very perspective
Junior class male:
Luizador Chicago - ex1, JW
Open class male:
Armani Margenis, my little boy :))) - ex1, CAC, W
And I have finished this show with Siberian huskies.
Open class male:
Tornado Arktikos Medziotojai - ex3
2009-09-19 - National Dog Show, Panevezys
Found new friends from Estonia, whose Saint Bernard won BEST IN SHOW. Just wonderful.
My results were very awesome too. I am still happy.
Siberian husky
Tornado Arkties Medžiotojai - CAC, W
And another husky Daya handled just in Best in Show ring became Best in Group and Best in Show - 5!!!
Saint Bernard
Omega Vilnoja - CAC, W, BOB
Great Dane
Armani Margenis - CAC, W, BOB
And my and my friend's Lina Šiukštaitė student Giedrė Šekštelytė - Best Junior Handler of the show!!!
2009-09-06 - National Dog Show, Vilnius
I hope that this disaster won't happen again :D
German shepherd
Sinti Antika - ex2
Siberian Husky
Tornado A.M - v.g
Chinese Crested
Heros in Circus Epocha - ex, CAC, W
Gem-givveeon Vanilla - ex2
Great Dane
Ultra Armada - very perspective, Best puppy
Armani Margenis - ex, CAC, W, BOB
2009-09-05 - National Dog Show, Vilnius
Main thing was terrible ring time , it was awful. Two words - epic fail :D
German shepherd
Sinti Antika - v.g
Siberian Husky
Tornado A.M - v.g
Chinese Crested
Heros in Circus Epocha - ex1, CAC
Great Dane
Armani Margenis - ex2
Gem-givveeon Vanilla - ex2
2009-08-09 - Speciality shows for Retrievers and Deucher Dogges
But we were trying to win and it almost happened :)
Golden retriever
Xanthos Ardulfe - ex3 out of 11 open class males
Deucher Dogge
Armani Margenis - ex1 ,CAC
Ultra Armada - perspective
2009-08-08 - International Dog Show, Druskininkai
Dogo Argentino
PPC Athuel - ex1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Great dane Junior female from Latvia - ex2
Professional Handling with awesome Weimaraner Alik from Latvia - BIG-4
Kennel competition
Chinese Crested kennel "Epocha" - BIS-3
2009-08-07 - International Dog Show, Druskininkai
In this reason our results could be better, but it is how it is :)
Golden retriever
Xanthos Ardulfe - ex3 out of 9 males in open class
Dogo Argentino
Perro Pelea Cordobes Athuel - ex1, CAC, R. CACIB
2009-07-26 - National Dog Show Marupe, Latvia
Omega Vilnoja - CQ, BB1, CAC, BOB
Golden retriever
Xanthos Ardulfe - CQ, ex1 in Champion class, BM3
And with the same Basset hound Freida I become 3rd Best professional handler of the show :)
2009-07-25 - National Dog Show Marupe, Latvia
Saint Bernard
Omega Vilnoja - PP, JCAC, BB1, BOB
Golden retriever
Xanthos Ardulfe - CQ, ex1 in Champion class, BM4
I have also competed in professional handler competition. I have borrowed a Basset hound female from one very good lady, and with the help of this dog became 2nd Best professional handler of the show :)
2009-07-12 - National Dog Show Valga, Estonia
Results are quite nice too.
Golden retriever
Xanthos Ardulfe - CAC, BM1, BOO
2009-07-11 - National Dog Show Valmiera, Latvia
Saint Bernard
Omega Vilnoja - CQ, JCAC, BB, BOB = LV JCH
Golden retriever
Xanthos Ardulfe - CQ, BM4
I first time competed in senior handling, competed with myself :D Best senior handler of the show with Dutch
2009-06-28 - Speciality dog show for 5 group Ogre, Latvia
Almaak Sachem's dream - CQ, Best male 1, JW, BOO = Junior Champion of Latvia
Passion of Tanoka Eskimoski Domek - CQ, Best male 2, CAC = Cahmpion of Latvia
Pamela II Eskimoski Domek - CQ, Best female, CAC, BOB, BISS = and also became Champion of Latvia
Congratulations for all owner.
I am very happy about this show results. Haven't expected this luck. Hope future results will become better and better :)
2009-06-28 - National dog show Ogre, Latvia
Dogo Argentino:
Perro Pelea Cordobes Athuel - CQ, CAC, W, Best male 1, BOB = Champion of Latvia
Congrats for owners :)
Siberian Husky:
Pamela II Eskimoski Domek - CQ, ex2, Best female 2, CAC = Champion of Latvia
Congrats for owners too :)
2009-06-27 - National dog show, Šilutė
This show results were ex2
2009-06-14 National dog show "Кубок Самбии" Kaliningrad, Russia
Even that it was raining half of the day, we came back proud and happy.
Results are better and better every next show.
This time:
Saint bernard
Omega Vilnoja earned CAC, W, BOB, BIG-2 - with this win she became
RKF CH and opened Russian championship
and golden retriever
Xanthos Ardulfe rocked as well - CAC, W, BOB, BIG-3 - he
also became RKF CH and opened Russian championship.
And it 's not all our great results.
Now really last time I have competed in Junior handling and became Best Junior Handler of my age group.
2009-06-06 International dog show "Summer of Belarus'09" Minsk, Belarus
2009-06-07 International dog show "Minsk 2009" Minsk, Belarus
Results are outrageous. I am very proud of the dogs I handled.
Saint Bernard:
Omega Vilnoja - JW = Junior Champion of Belarus, JBOB, BOB, BIG-3
Golden retriever
Xanthos Ardulfe - CAC
Saint Bernard
Omega Vilnoja - CAC, W, CACIB, BOB
Golden retriever
Xanthos Ardulfe - CAC
With these two CAC Dutch became Champion of Belarus!
2009-05-16 Druskininkai national dog show
Firstly it was my last show were I could compete in Junior Handling competition.
Results are great.
Before my retiring I took 1st place in my age group
and became 2nd Best Junior Handler of the show!!!
Pamela helped me once again, I want to thank her owner Simona Bielozareviciute, that she could bring Pam to the show.Also I had worked in the show ring. Results are were great:
Siberian husky:
Chispa de mallorka of Arktika - JW, JBOB
Great dane
Armani Margenis - CAC, W,BOB
Pharaon houndex2Dogo argentinoPPC Athuel - CAC, W,BOB, BIG-3
Golden retriever
Xanthos Ardulfe - CAC, W, BOB, BIG-1, BIS-5
Chinese crested
Geros in Circus Epocha - CAC, W
2009-05-09 Jonava national dog show
Chinese crested
Geros in Circus Epocha - ex2
Great Dane
Armani Margenis - ex, CAC, W, BOB, BIG-5
2009-04-02 Jovariškės spec. Retriever show
Golden Retriever
Xanthos Ardulfe - Open class - ex1, CAC!!!
At last Dutch became perfect show dog. I just couldn't imagine
that he could do such a great job in show ring.
I am very proud of him.
Congratulations for owners!!!
2009-04-26 Riga spec. Saint Bernard show"Latvijas Zelta Senbernars" - 10 gadi
Saint Bernard
LT JCH Omega Vilnoja - excellent out of 11 bitches of Junior class,
We are very proud of our girl.
And also our team from Lithuania were able to proudly present
our Saint Bernards in "Olimpic Games of the Baltic Sea"
Unfortunately we had not full team, but we showed really
high quality of Lithuanian Saint Bernards.
2009-03-14 International dog show Vilnius
Great Dane
Armani Margenis - CAC, CACIB
Dogo Argentino
Perro Pelea Cordobes Athuel - ex2
Saint Bernard
Ode Vilnoja - JW, JBOB
Great Dane
Armani Margenis - CAC, W, CACIB, BOB
Dogo Argentino
Perro Pelea Cordobes Athuel - CAC, W, CACIB, BOB
Saint Bernard
Ode Vilnoja - ex2
2009-03-07 International dog shows in Minsk, Belarus
Great Dane
Armani Margenis - CAC, r.CACIB
Junior handling
2 * BIG-4 with Armani Margenis
2009-02-22 Panevežys national dog show
Great dane
Armani Margenis - CAC, W, BOB
Saint Bernard
Omega Vilnoja - JW, JBOB = LTU JCH - congratulations to owners!
Chinese Crested
Eros in Circus Epocha - ex3
2009-02-07 Riga spec. dog show of group 5
Siberian huskies
Chispa de Mallorca of Arktika - SBIS puppy
Passion of Tanoka Eskimoski Domek - ex2
Pamela II Eskimoski Domek - ex3
Ice T'oshka Eskimoski Domek - ex4
2009-01-24 Kaunas national dog show
Junior handling
BIG-1 with Pamela II Eskimoski Domek
Great Dane
Armani Margenis - CAC, W
Saint Bernard
Omega Vilnoja JW, JBOB;
Inkognito Vilnoja BIG-4
Siberian Husky
Chispa de Mallorca of Arktika BIS baby 3
Junior handling
BIG-2 with Pamela II Eskimoski Domek